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For $299* – Screener for one of The Unruly Mystics to your community in these 3 Easy steps!

After screening either film with community, there is a talk back, answering general questions about The Unruly Mystics, and a great discussion around awe and inspiration.  People leave wanting to have more meaningful encounters with their own spiritual practice.  This effect has been realized with all our screenings, from Harvard Divinity School to 270 seat theatrical settings.  Here is an opportunity to do a benefit screening like when we raised funds for a local Sierra Club Group or Hildegard inspired comfort care home in Louisville, KY to a fundraiser for a Catholic parish church in Ohio. The opportunities are endless when Saint Hildegard or John Muir are put to work!  

 Step 1: Watch the trailer for the movie you want

Our trailer will give you a sense of the film, plus there are many wonderful quotes below the header.  If you need an audience reference, look at where the film has already played!   Let us help you sell your community on this inspirational experience!

Step 2:  Confirm your license type. 

There are two levels of screening available. 

1. Non-Theatrical License:

$299 for communities, schools or churches.  You advertise to the community.  You provide the venue (ideally video projection system with good sound). We send you the DVD or digital file of the film.  You bring your own audience.  Works best for 40 people or less.

Once you purchase the non-theatrical license through PayPal, you will be given a link to access the film online along with a password in a separate email.  If you need a DVD or Bluray please let us know in your instructions and we will mail that to you.

2. Theatrical screening License: 

Based upon the theater size there is a license cost per each movie theater screening time.  You rent the theater. You can advertise to general public.  Filmmaker may be able to be in attendance if timing and cost works.  This is a wonderful opportunity for fundraisers too!  These screenings are available for Digital Cinema Projectors.  We ship to the theater a required DCP file.

Please contact us to discuss this license more detail.  There are certain situations where we will rent the theater and work with you to bring the community.  We want to make this easy!

That’s all there is to it.  

You have brought The Unruly Mystic: Saint Hildegard or John Muir to your community!

All licenses and prices subject to change.  DVDs for personal use only are being sold at specific screening events when the filmmaker attends or can be purchased on Amazon.

Please contact Michael at 303-641-7228 or email Heather (@) if you have any questions.  * Pricing is subject to change.

The Unruly Mystic supports the Hildegard House in Louisville KY! We raised more than $4,600.00 in two showings! Thank you Karen Cassidy for making this happen.
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