Site icon The Unruly Mystic Documentary Series

Saint Hildegard Movie

Land of Hildegard

The Unruly Mystic: Saint Hildegard

Abbess. Artist. Composer. Healer.

Feature documentary film, directed by Michael M. Conti (USA) 65 minutes.

Discover why Saint Hildegard is the patron saint of creativity, and how her influence resonates today. The 12th-century abbess was a Christian mystic and visionary. She was also a musical composer, writer, and healer that created natural remedies widely used in Europe today.

Saint Hildegard is venerated worldwide by theologians, artists, musicians, medical practitioners, and educators. This film is a celebration of one woman’s legacy and a reminder that we should listen, seek calmness, and heed the calling of our souls while healing any unruliness that may exist underneath.

The Unruly Mystic: Saint Hildegard of Bingen from Michael M. Conti on Vimeo.

The Unruly Mystic: Saint Hildegard is available for public screenings in languages other than English.  

Saint Hildegard von Bingen is beloved in Germany, USA, UK, Spain and Japan.

The film evokes a calling, that sweet spot of creativity that we all yearn to play in, which is also spiritual in nature. She is venerated for her widely recognized impact on today’s theologians, artists, musicians, doctors and educators. It is our belief that a live screening of the film with an audience that can engage in conversation afterwards is more meaningful than watching the film alone.  This has been realized with all our screenings, from Harvard Divinity School to local theatrical settings.  Better yet, do a benefit screening like when we raised money for a Hildegard inspired comfort care home in Louisville, KY to a fundraiser for a Catholic parish church in Ohio, to a local GoFundMe fundraiser for an artist friend in our own town. The opportunities are endless when Saint Hildegard is put to work!

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