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Asking a question is hard in live virtual events

Learning from answers

As the filmmaker-pilgrim behind The Unruly Mystic Series, I have always enjoyed hearing the answers that helped to inform me about the subject material for my films. I learned that knowing the right questions to task is the hardest part. Perhaps that comes from my DNA as the son of an astronomer (Peter S. Conti, September 5, 1934 – June 21, 2021). The answers I received through many hours of interviews helped inform me and gave me insight into my own constantly developing spirituality. That is entirely different in my new live virtual events where I don’t have the luxury of thoughtful editing.

Through the process of making these films and putting on these live virtual events, I gained more confidence in my own creative work and importance of making something of value for the world. For those of us that haven’t yet taken that plunge fully, I would say there is someone right now looking for something that your future self will be creating.

Going Live in virtual events

I have encounter more people whose subject knowledge would have included them in my films. Their personal journeys are inspirational to me, each unique in their own way. But it would be virtually impossible to include everyone into a 120-minute film!

Starting in 2020, during the pandemic, I decided to use a virtual live events format more fully where I can share those interviews in real-time and provoke a conversation in breakout rooms. These are the types of conversations which can lead to profound change and newer understanding of the world around us, and in us.

The first experiment with live virtual events occurred with a VMuir Day Panel 2020 in which we celebrated John Muir’s one hundred and eight-second birthday during the Covid-19 pandemic on April 21, 2020. I asked my panelists questions about death, how they are connecting with nature while in isolation, and why John Muir is still relevant today.

After running a bigger live virtual event in September of that same year for Saint Hildegard’s Feast Day on September 17th with over 150 virtual pilgrims attending the first live virtual Saint Hildegard Pilgrimage I have decided to make a repeat with Saint Hildegard presenters in 2021 (link below for sign-up).

Hildegard Requirements

A work-in-progress

I see each of us in Saint Hildegard, and Saint Hildegard in each of us too. That is a work-in-progress.

Join with me in the conversation as we celebrate the spirituality and creativity of Saint Hildegard, as manifested by her natural medicine, art, writing, and music.

Join us in celebrating:

Offering a live virtual pilgrimage again in September for Saint Hildegard, both live and pre-recorded. Besides the 12-days of recordings, there are live 2-days of live virtual events over Saint Hildegard’s Feast Day, September 17 & 18, 2021

On September 17th 2021, at 1 PM EST, Saint Hildegard Feast Day starts with the ringing of the bells from the Hildegard Haus in Fairport Harbor, Ohio, followed by a sermon by Rev. Dr. Shanon Sterringer. On Saturday, September 18thRev. Carol Vaccariello starts the day at 1 PM EST. Later Rector Susan Springerprovides a “solemnity” for St John’s Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado.

Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox who is the author of Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen, Hildegard’s Book of Divine Works with Letters and Songs, Hildegard of Bingen, a Saint for Our Times: Unleashing Her Power in the 21st Century, will share some thoughts with us on spirituality and creativity.

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